
The overall objective of this project was to improve the complex traceability chain in geodetic length metrology. The specific objectives of the project were:

  1. To develop and validate field-capable primary or transfer standards to disseminate the unit metre to reference baselines over distances to 5 km with the determination of the measurement uncertainty budget.
  2. To develop and evaluate at least one 3D capable novel measurement device with a measurement range of 50 m for outdoor use with the determination of a targeted measurement uncertainty better than 1 μm / m.
  3. To develop technologies, methods and uncertainty assessment for the Earth-bound SI-traceable verification of space-geodetic measurement technologies like GNSS or SLR over distances of at least 5 km with uncertainties of 1 mm or better and their implementation in a European reference standard.
  4. To reduce uncertainty of the so-called local tie between co-located space-geodetic techniques at GGOS-CS (and all other eligible sites) by one order of magnitude to 1 mm over 200 m in real time continuous tracking. This required a coordinated effort of novel dimensional measurement systems, methodology and analysis strategies and their demonstration in pilot studies at two European GGOS‑CS.
  5. To facilitate the take up of the technology and measurement infrastructure developed in the project by the European geodetic measurement infrastructure by provision of European-wide access to the developed high-level references, collaboration with the established existing measurement supply chain (accredited laboratories, instrumentation manufacturers), and dissemination to standards developing organisations (ISO, IAG working groups) and end users (geodesy, surveying, high energy physics, and Earth sciences).