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Explosionsgeschützte elektrische Antriebssysteme

Arbeitsgruppe 3.63

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Titel: Industrial Trucks for use in potentially explosive areas - placing on the market in compliance with Directive 94/9/EC and EN 1755
Autor(en): F. Neugebauer;D.-H. Frobese
Journal: Staplerworld Europe
Jahr: 2013
Monat: Juni
Ausgabe: 01
Seite(n): 10 - 15
TechTex-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Verlagsort: Budenheim
Organisation: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
ISSN: 1612-1848
Datei / URL: fileadmin/internet/fachabteilungen/abteilung_3/explosionsschutz/Veroeffentlichungen/372/StaplerWorld-94-9-EC.pdf
Web URL: http://www.techtex-verlag.com/techtex/
Schlüsselwörter: Lifttrucks, ATEX, 94/9/EC, Fork Lifttrucks, explosion protection, Explosionsschutz, ATEX-Richtlinie, Europäische Normen
Zusammenfassung: Industrial trucks are used for handling containers with hazardous substances, including transport in their storage areas or for transport in filling and mixing plants. In such areas, gases, vapours, mist or dust may escape both under normal conditions and in the event of failures. When these substances get into contact with ambient air, they form explosive gas-air or dust-air mixtures, i.e. a potentially explosive atmosphere. This atmosphere may ignite in the presence of hot surfaces, hot exhaust gases, impact and friction sparks at mounted electrical and non-electrical parts, or as a result of electric sparks or electrostatic discharge. To prevent explosions in a potentially explosive atmosphere, industrial trucks are operated as explosion-protected equipment. Measures that have to be taken to avoid potential sources of ignition at the truck itself are listed in the European EN 1755 standard. The requirements for placing explosion-protected equipment on the European market are regulated by Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX Directive). The present paper explains the interaction between Directive 94/9/EC, other EC Directives and EN 1755 in connection with the placing on the market of explosion-protected industrial trucks. The paper in particular wants to show when an explosion-protected industrial truck should be inspected by a notified body in compliance with Directive 94/9/EC.

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