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Abbildung 1: SMGW mit den Netzwerken für den Anschlussnutzer (HAN), die Messtechnik (LMN und dem Anschluss an Weitverkehrsnetze (WAN)

Special, certified software is required for the reliable visualisation of consumption data on intelligent metering systems (smart meters).

As part of the digitalisation of the energy transition, such software must meet the requirements of the Metering Point Operation Act (MsbG) and the specifications of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for the smart meter gateway.


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To accelerate the inherently slow acquisition process in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the core tasks of MRI research since the very invention of this imaging modality. It was thus a huge mile-stone, therefore, when Prüssmann and coworkers recognized, 25 years ago, how the different spatial sensitivities of the various coil elements in modern MRI receivers could be utilized to speed...

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Neuer Name

Die Leiterin unseres Referats 9.31, Corinna Weigelt berichtete über eine Änderung der Referatsbezeichnung. Die neue Bezeichnung lautet ab sofort 9.31 Europa, Südkaukasus, Zentralasien.
Alle Dienstgeschäfte laufen weiter wie bisher.

Opens external link in new windowNeuer Name

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Dr. Steffen Rudtsch, Head of Division 7.4 "Temperature" for many years, passed away on January 20, 2024, after a short, serious illness at the age of 61.

Steffen Rudtsch studied physics at the universities of Leipzig and Cottbus, where he obtained his doctorate in 1994. He then worked in the field of thermophysics, from 1999 at the PTB.

In 2002, he moved to the "Thermometry" laboratory at PTB's...

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Logo resin green

The Horizon Europe project “RESIN GREEN” started in January 2024. It addresses the development of bio-compatible resist technologies in semiconductor industry to support the European Green Deal objectives.

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The maximum slope that can be measured with a microscope objective is an important parameter characterizing the measurement capability of 3D optical microscopes. Presented are optically smooth spheres as material measure, the measurement procedure, the maximum measurable local slopes and the characterization of the homogeneity of the slope transfer function within the field of view of the...

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In Zusammenarbeit mit dem DLR Institut für Satellitengeodäsie und Inertialsensorik in Hannover wurde eine neuartige achromatische, planare Spiegelstruktur für die Laserkühlung von Atomen in einer magneto-optischen Falle entwickelt. Der Aufbau erzeugt alle zur Kühlung notwendigen Laserstrahlen aus einem einzigen Strahl. Da die Struktur nicht dispersiv ist, eignet sie sich auch zur Kühlung mit...

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On September 27, 2023, PTB Berlin hosted the kick-off meeting of the EU project GenomeMET. Cancer is a major challenge in Europe, causing more than 1.3 million deaths annually. EU-Mission Cancer prioritizes early diagnosis and precision medicine. Advances in gene sequencing, driven by technologies such as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), are transforming cancer care. These techniques promise...

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On October 25, an engaging digitalization kick-off workshop brought together colleagues from national metrology institutes and national accreditation bodies from the Eastern Partnership countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

Opens external link in new windowNavigating the Digital Transformation: Insights from the Kick-Off Workshop on digital metrology and accreditation

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As part of the "Quantum Systems Research Programme", the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the QVac project of the University of Bremen and the PTB. The aim of this project is to develop a compact primary standard for pressure measurements in ultra-high vacuum (pressures < 10-6 Pa) based on cold atoms. For the pressure measurement, about 1 million of...

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Jury, Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner des Quantum Futur Awards in den Kategorien Promotions- und Masterarbeiten bei der Preisverleihung im BMBF in Berlin, mit Thomas Gerster in der Mitte

Seit 2018 zeichnet das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) herausragende und innovative wissenschaftliche Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Quantentechnologien mit dem Quantum Futur Award aus. Die diesjährigen Gewinner wurden im November bei einer Preisverleihung in Berlin bekanntgegeben. In der Kategorie Promotionsarbeiten hat Thomas Gerster aus der PTB dabei den zweiten Platz belegt.

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Nachgefärbte Rasterelektronenmikroskop-Abbildung von zwei Bloch-Oszillatoren mit hochinduktiven Zuleitungen

Die Herstellung und Charakterisierung von elektronischen Schaltungen, die quantisierte elektrische Stromstärken für metrologische Anwendungen erzeugen, stellt große technologische Herausforderungen dar. So erfordert die Entwicklung eines zukünftigen Stromnormals basierend auf supraleitenden Effekten die Herstellung von Josephsonkontakten mit Abmessungen im Nanometerbereich und rauscharme Messungen...

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Die dynamische Druckmessung spielt in industriellen Anwendungen eine zentrale Rolle. Die derzeitigen Kalibrierungsmethoden haben ungedeckten Druckbereiche und Frequenzen, und die Messunsicherheit ist noch verbesserungswürdig. Die AG 3.34 arbeitet mit RISE, dem nationalen Metrologieinstitut Schwedens, an einem neuen Kalibrierungsverfahren für dynamische Drucksensoren unter Kopplung von...

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Figure 1: Basic procedure for risk-based monitoring of the functional properties of measuring device software using a learnt state machine (DFA). The initially learned model Mold is continually compared with newly learned models Mnew, unless the compariso

Conformity assessment processes for modified software should be made even more efficient and manufacturers of measuring instruments should be able to make changes to certified software during operation without having to have the entire software tested again.

For this purpose, PTB Working Group 8.51 "Metrological Software" proposed and analysed a new approach for monitoring the functional...

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) not only provides images from inside the human body, but the method also allows various functional physiological parameters to be measured directly. An important example of this is spatially and temporally resolved velocity profiling of flowing blood in large vessels, such as the aortic arch. However, the phase-contrast MRI commonly used for this purpose often...

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Primary receiver standards for optical radiant power are used for the metrological traceability of radiometric measurements to the SI system of units. Although the use of absorber-based radiometers at low temperatures is established, it is associated with very high costs. A primary receiver based on photodiodes would offer a much simpler possibility for scale realisation. As an important step in...

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Die Tunesische Akkreditierungsstelle (Tunisian Accreditation Council, TUNAC) – hat jüngst mit der Digitalisierung seines Verwaltungssystems sowie seiner Akkreditierungsprozesse begonnen und dafür eine zentrale Datenbank eingerichtet.

Opens external link in new windowDigitale Akkreditierungsprozesse jetzt auch in Tunesien - wir gratulieren!

Opens external link in new windowThe digital accreditation process has been established in Tunisia. Congratulations!

Opens external link in new windowDigi...

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