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Press releases 2008

Optical clocks might become the atomic clocks of the future. Their "pendulum", i.e. the regular oscillation process which each clock needs, is an oscillation in the range of the visible light. As its frequency is higher than that of the microwave oscillations of the cesium atomic clocks, physicists expect another increase in the accuracy, stability and reliability. In the case of one of the...

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 Wie viel Licht eine Lampe in alle Richtungen zusammen abstrahlt, wird durch ihren Lichtstrom ausgedrückt. Um den Lichtstrom von Lampen schnell zu bestimmen, setzt die Lampenindustrie so genannte Ulbrichtkugeln ein. Ein in der PTB konzipierter und dann von einer Firma in Zusammenarbeit mit der PTB entwickelter neuartiger, besonders einfach einzusetzender Kugelscanner ermöglicht es vielen...

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PTB joined the Imaging Network Berlin (INB) of Technologiestiftung Berlin (TSB). Medical imaging is one of the prominent research foci of PTB division "Medical Physics and Metrological IT" with strong future potential and profound resources devoted to. These R&D activities rely heavily on an interdisciplinary approach with external partners and on substantial funding sources. In both respects this...

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