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Press releases 1996

Within the series of publications "PTB Testing Instructions", volume 22 "Electronic supplementary devices for instruments for measuring gas, water and heat" has been published.

Testing Instructions are guidelines for the testing of measuring instruments, of their supplementary devices, and of equipment and apparatus. They cover all measuring instruments acceptable for verification and...

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Between June 17 and 20, more than 500 scientists from more than 40 countries will meet on the occasion of the Conference on Precision ElectromagneticMeasurements (CPEM). With its 350 papers and poster presentations, this conference is the most important forum for scientists working in the field of precision electromagnetic metrology.

After 1980, in 1996 the CPEM will be held for the second time...

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Am 15. April 1996 verleiht der Helmholtz-Fonds e. V. in einer Festveranstaltung im großen Gemäldesaal des Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museums, Museumstraße 1, in Braunschweig die Helmholtz-Preise 1996.

In Anwesenheit zahlreicher Persönlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik werden die Preise, die mit je 10000,- DM dotiert sind, für Arbeiten aus drei Forschungsbereichen vergeben. Das...

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Am 30. März vollendet Professor Volkmar Kose, Vizepräsident der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt Braunschweig und Berlin (PTB) sein 60. Lebensjahr.

Professor Kose wurde 1936 in Stettin geboren. Nach einer Lehre zum Elektroinstallateur und einem daran anschließenden Fachhochschulstudium an der Physikalisch-Technischen Lehranstalt in Lübeck, studierte er an der Georg-August Universität...

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On February 24, 1896, Henri Becquerel reported before the Académie des Sciences in Paris that a specific uranium-bearing crystal which had been brought to shine under the action of sunlight and had then been placed on a photographic plate wrapped in dark paper had blackened the photoplate. As early as one week later he recognized that the crystal produced the same blackening effect even when it...

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In the last few years, one has heard of petrol vapours beomg ignited when cars were filled up at public German petrol stations, and of some cars catching fire as a result of this.

Within the scope of a joint project, together with the Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (DGMK = German Association for Mineral Oil, Natural Gas and Coal) and in cooperation with the...

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