Logo of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Into the Future with Metrology - The Challenges of Energy

Energy News

Dr. André Wählisch, currently a postdoctoral fellow in PTB's "X-ray Spectrometry" working group, was awarded the Young Scientist Award of the European X-ray Spectrometry Association (EXSA) at the European X-ray Spectrometry Conference (EXRS) in Athens on 27 June 2024 for his doctoral thesis defended in December 2023...



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The TEMPERATUR 2024 symposium took place on 5 and 6 June 2024 at PTB's Berlin-Charlottenburg site. The TEMPERATUR conference series has established itself in German-speaking countries as an important conference on methods and devices for temperature and gas humidity measurement...



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In an invited lecture, PTB presented its measurement technology for industrial THz applications at the first Indo-German Joint Scientific Workshop on Terahertz Technology for Industrial Application (TTIA). It was held from 3 October 2024 to 5 October 2024 by the CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, Rajasthan, India in an exceptionally hospitable manner...



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„Transformation des Energiesystems Niedersachsen“, so lautet der Titel des neuen Programms des Energie-Forschungszentrums Niedersachsen (EFZN). Es wird vom Lande Niedersachsen und der VolkswagenStiftung mit insgesamt 58,2 Millionen Euro gefördert. Das Ziel des Programms ist eine strategische Weiterentwicklung und Neuausrichtung der niedersächsischen Energieforschung bis 2030. Mehr als 180...

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Die Erarbeitung von Grundlagen zur explosionsschutztechnischen Entkopplung beim Einsatz von Wasserstoff ist Aufgabe des neues Forschungsprojekts H2EXSTOP, an dem auch die PTB beteiligt ist. Ziel ist es, einen explosionssicheren Umgang in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette der Wasserstoffwirtschaft zu gewährleisten und die Explosionsgefahren, welche während der Erzeugung, Speicherung, Transport sowie...

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SEM image

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) as the new central instrument for structural and chemical diagnostics on superconducting quantum sensors has been put into operation at PTB's Charlottenburg site. The ultra-modern microscope from the ZEISS GeminiSEMâ product family is operated in a specially prepared, highly low-vibration laboratory room in the Walther Meissner Building...

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Kick-off meeting

On the 1st of July 2024, the working group 7.63 Quantum Calorimetry was newly established. The group pursues research in metrological spectrometry with cryodetectors, in close cooperation with the working groups 6.11 Unit of Activity and 6.14 Fundamentals of Radioactivity...

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