Logo of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Into the Future with Metrology - The Challenges of Digitalization

Innovation Cluster for Digitalization

Foto: JT Jeeraphun / Adobe Stock

We are in the middle of a digital revolution. In households, trade and industry, new opportunities are being created everywhere by digital data traffic. The "Internet of Things" is driving this development at breakneck speed: machines exchange information directly with each other via digital interfaces. Entire production processes are already fully networked or have digital twins in a cloud. The catchphrase is "Industry 4.0". Measuring devices are also in part inseparably linked with digital technology and automated data processing.

This transformation is a major challenge to the sophisticated system of quality infrastructure, consisting of metrology, accreditation, conformity assessment, norms & standards and market surveillance. In order to be able to continue to guarantee the safety of (and confidence in) measured values, PTB has compiled all the necessary tools under the umbrella of a comprehensive digitalization strategy – from digital calibration certificates and virtual measuring instruments to intelligent research data management and digitally supported testing and approval processes. Thus, the German economy's commitment to providing quality shall continue to apply in a digitalized world.

Important publications by PTB

AI Strategy 2021

PTB has developed their own strategy for strategic planning of activities in the area of artificial intelligence (AI).

AI Strategy of PTB: Download

Digital transformation strategy 2020

This is the updated strategy on metrology and digital transformation of PTB 

Metrology for digital transformation of economy and society | 2020: Initiates file downloadDownload


Erfolgreicher Abschluss des QI-Digital Forums 2024 in Berlin: Etwa 300 Besucherinnen und Besucher aus fünf Nationen und drei Kontinenten kamen unter dem Motto „AI Act, Data Spaces and Digital Product Passport – Setting the course for a green and digital transition“ in Berlin zusammen. Zentrale Botschaft: Digitale QI-Innovationen führen zu mehr Transparenz und Sicherheit und werden in Zukunft den...

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Digitaler Kalibrierschein

Wer im Unternehmen Abläufe automatisiert, ist an Schnittstellen oft noch lange auf menschliche Zuarbeit angewiesen. Doch die Eingabe von Daten per Hand kostet Zeit, ist fehleranfällig und eintönig. Im Bereich der Kalibrierung von Messgeräten gibt es jetzt eine Lösung: den digitalen Kalibrierschein. Entworfen wurde er dort, wo Präzisionstechnik zuhause ist – in der PTB. 

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Symbolbild: digitale Sprache (mit KI erzeugt)

Arbeitet die Welt wirklich mit denselben Einheiten? In der realen Welt kann man sagen: weitgehend. Aber in der digitalen Welt ist noch Raum nach oben. Eine Aufgabe für PTB-Fachleute und die Metrologie-Diplomatie.

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virtuelle Durchflussmessung

Sie sind nicht real, aber sie bringen realen Nutzen für Industrie, Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher: virtuelle Messgeräte. Mit ihnen kann man Messungen realistischer einschätzen und viel Zeit und Geld sparen. 

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More news


PTB supports the efficient and safe use of digital technologies. Among the building blocks of this digital transformation are the electronic file, in short E-File, and the PTB customer portal E-Service. With this service, a web-based order data processing system is to be established which is closely linked to the E-File system.

  • E-File
  • Electronic Customer Portal E-Service

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PTB develops holistic concepts for the handling of measuring instruments and measurement data, taking into account the interaction of digital and analog components of measurement systems and promotes the networking of all interest groups involved. Central components are:

  • The "Metrology Cloud"
  • Communication of metrological data on the "Internet of Things"
  • "Metrology by design"

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Basic elements of research data management

PTB participates in the sustainable usability of research data. It ensures that research results are properly documented, archived in the long term and made publicly accessible free of charge if possible

  • Research Data Management
  • National Research Data Infrastructure

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digitales Kalibrierzertifikat

The quality infrastructure (QI) in Germany is essential for the country's economic success.The PTB wants to ensure uniformity in metrology even in a digitized world and be a guarantor for measurement accuracy, measurement stability and testability. To this end, it develops and operates:

  • digital calibration certificates
  • The "Metrology for Virtual Measuring Instruments" Competence Center
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence

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Core Objective 5: active participation of all employees in digitalization

A digital transformation can only succeed if no one is left behind and if digital innovation is stimulated. For this purpose, PTB is developing, among other things, formats for the active support of digital pioneers within its own ranks and offers a wide range of training and learning opportunities for all employees. These include a variety of seminars, training courses and learning opportunities, promotion of opportunities to participate and become involved, as well as regular "Digital Workplace" theme days as a forum for information and exchange.

Weitere Informationen

Innovation Cluster for DigitalizationInnovation Cluster for Digitalization

Dr. Alexander Reissert
Fachbereich 9.4 "Metrologie für die digitale Transformation"
Telefon: (030) 3481 7483
Opens local program for sending emailalexander.reissert@ptb.de


Dr.-Ing. Prof. h. c. Frank Härtig
Telefon: (0531) 592-2001
Opens local program for sending emailfrank.haertig(at)ptb.de


Dr. Thorsten Schrader
Leiter Abteilung 1 "Mechanik und Akustik"
Telefon: (0531) 592-1010
Opens local program for sending emailthorsten.schrader(at)ptb.de


Hon.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Kück
Leiter Abteilung 4 "Optik"
Telefon: (0531) 592-4010
Opens local program for sending emailstefan.kueck(at)ptb.de


Dr. Harald Bosse
Leiter Abteilung 5 "Fertigungsmesstechnik"
Telefon: (0531) 592-5010
Opens local program for sending emailharald.bosse(at)ptb.de


Dr. Jörn Stenger
Leiter Abteilung 6 "Ionisierende Strahlung"
Telefon: (0531) 592-6010
Opens local program for sending emailjoern.stenger(at)ptb.de


Prof. Dr. Tobias Schäffter
Leiter Abteilung 8 "Medizinphysik und metrologische Informationstechnik"
Telefon: (030) 3481-7343
Opens local program for sending emailtobias.schaeffter(at)ptb.de


Dr. Frank Lienesch
Leiter Abteilung 9 "Gesetzliche und internationale Metrologie"
Telefon: (0531) 592-9090
Opens local program for sending emailfrank.lienesch(at)ptb.de


Manfred Gahrens
Leiter Abteilung Q "Querschnittsdienste"
Telefon: (0531) 592-8010
Opens local program for sending emailmanfred.gahrens(at)ptb.de


Susanne Wiemann
Leiterin Abteilung Z "Verwaltungsdienste"
Telefon: (0531) 592-9010
Opens local program for sending emailsusanne.wiemann(at)ptb.de
