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Fundamental Physics for Metrology



Multiple Talks at Extreme Atomic Systems Conference

Talks by Yatin Jaiswal, Jan Richter, Riaan Schmidt, Jonas Sommerfeldt, Sophia Strnat, Sebastian Ulbricht at 44th Extreme Atomic Systems Conference in Riezlern; February 11-16


King plot nonlinearities in Ca+

Talk by Anna Viatkina at a joint meeting of the "Proton Radius European Network" (PREN 2023) and the "Muonic Atom Spectroscopy Theory Initiative" (μASTI) in Mainz, Germany; June 28

Isotope shifts and King plot nonlinearities in Ca+

Talk by Anna Viatkina at QuantumFrontiers Days 2023 in Hannover, Germany; June 6

Calculation of isotope shifts and King plot nonlinearities in Ca+

Talk by Anna Viatkina at the International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (FFK 2023) in Vienna, Austria; May 22

Twisted light - Theory and Applications

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at TU Darmstadt; May 5

Multiple Talks at Extreme Atomic Systems Conference

Talks by Jan Richter, Riaan Schmidt, Jonas Sommerfeldt, Sophia Strnat, Sebastian Ulbricht at 43rd Extreme Atomic Systems Conference in Riezlern; February 12-17

Interaction of twisted light with a trapped atom: Interplay of electronic and motional degrees of freedom

Invited talk by Anton Peshkov at the DPG Spring Meeting 2023 of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section, hosted at the University of Hannover; March 7. Other members of the group also made contributions to the meeting such as regular talks or posters in their respective research topic.

Theoretical investigation of a cavity-clock operating in Earth’s gravity

Talk by Sebastian Ulbricht at the 781st WE-Heraeus-Seminar in Bad Honnef; February 28


Time-Evolved Twisted Light Absorption Patterns

Talk by Riaan Schmidt at the International Workshop on Atomic Physics 2022, hosted by the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems Dresden; November 28 - December 2

Elastic x-ray scattering by highly charged ions

Talk by Sophia Strnat at the 20th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions; August 29

Investigating the influence of gravity on Earth-based laboratory experiments

Online-Talk by Sebastian Ulbricht at the RTG Models of Gravity Colloquium; June 15

Coulomb Corrections to Delbrück scattering

Talk by Jonas Sommerfeldt at the FAIRNESS 2022; May 23-27

Nuclear polarization effects in atoms and ions

Talk by Anna Viatkina at the 776. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: High-Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics; May 9-13

Coulomb Corrections to Delbrück scattering

Talk by Jonas Sommerfeldt at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung atomic physics seminar; May 4

Parity-violation studies with partially stripped ions

Online-Talk by Jan Richter at the DPG Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section; March 14-18


Higgs session

Remote Talk by Elina Fuchs at the Helmholtz Terascale Workshop in Hamburg, Germany; November

Interaction of single atoms and atomic ensembles with twisted light

Seminar Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the scientific seminar of ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia; October 11

Isotope shift spectroscopy with highly-charged ions

Presentation by Andrey Surzhykov at the X International Symposium "Metrology of Time and Space" in VNIIFTRI Institute, Mendeleevo, Russia; October 6-8


Online-Talk by Anton Peshkov at the DPG Meeting of the Atomic, Molecular, Plasma Physics and Quantum Optics Section; September 20-24

Overview on BSM vision

Remote Talk by Elina Fuchs during the BSM Energy Frontier Session at the PANIC Lisbon, Portugal; September

Coulomb Corrections to Delbrück scattering

Online-Poster by Jonas Sommerfeldt at the ICPEAC 2021July 20-24

Overview on Exotic Higgs Decays Theory

Remote Talk by Elina Fuchs at the LHCP Paris, France; June

Isotope shift studies and search for New Physics

Online-Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the Helmholtz Forschungsakademie Hessen (HFHF) Colloquium at Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany; June 17

Operation of atomic-clock transitions by twisted light modes

Online-Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP); Mai 31 - June 4

Optical pumping of ions at storage rings

Online-Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the scientific seminar at the Deartment of Photonics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland; March 22

Excitation of atoms by twisted light

Online-Talk by Anton Peshkov at the International Conference on Innovative Development in Engineering Applications (IDEA-2021) at Bodhgaya, India; February 8-10


Isotope shift and search for a New Physics

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the scientific seminar at VNIIM (Mendeleev) institute, St. Petersburg

Système international d’unités: From artifacts to constants

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the scientific group seminar at Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP) at Lomonosov University, December 16

Overview of Atomic Physics at the Gamma Factory

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the MITP Workshop "Physics Opportunities with the Gamma Factory", November 30 - December 4

Fundamental physical constants and kilogram

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the 25th Meeting COOMET TC 1.6 Mass and related quantities, October 6

Can we polarize ions at the ESR?

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the 17th SPARC collaboration meeting, September 14-16

Isotope shift and search for a New Physics

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the 51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, June 1–5; Portland, Oregon (online); Opens external link in new windowLink to Website


Operation of atomic-clock transitions by vortex light

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the Bothe colloquium, Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg

Ion transition parameters and their present uncertainties: electronic structure of Li-like Pb ions

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the Gamma Factory meeting, CERN, Genf

Polarization Effects in Bound-Free Pair Production in Light-Ion Interaction

Talk by Jonas Sommerfeldt at the 16th Topical Workshop of the Stored Particles Atomic Physics Research Collaboration, Jena

Ade, Basiseinheiten – willkommen, Naturkonstanten!

Talk by Andrey Surzhykov at the Physics colloquium at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum


Excitation of hydrogen-like ions by twisted light: The effect of multipole mixing on the alignment of excited states

Poster by Sabrina Schulz at Topical Workshop in Lisbon.

Hyperfine structure of doubly charged Th229 and the excitation of its nuclear clock isomer

Talk by Robert Müller at 670. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar: Fundamental Constants: Basic Physics and Units

Gravitational influences on Earth-based measurements of free electron g-factor

Poster by Sebastian Ulbricht at 670. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar: Fundamental Constants: Basic Physics and Units

Gravitational effects on free electron g-factor measurements

Talk by Sebastian Ulbricht at DPG Frühjahrstagung

Spectral Lines of Hydrogen near Black Holes - a Joint Venture of Quantum and Celestial Mechanics

Talk by  Sebastian Ulbricht at Astronomy from four perspectives '18 - Multi-messenger astronomy

The free electron g-factor in a homogeneous gravitational field

Talk by Sebastian Ulbricht at Extreme Atomic Systems 39.