Planning, preparation, implementation and coordination of international cooperation projects concerning metrology, standardization, testing, quality assurance, accreditation and certification in the region of Europe, South Caucasus, Central Asia and scientific technological cooperation.
Development of the foundation for a digital metrology infrastructure in BMZ partner countries | M4DT-IC
Contact: Laura Donath
Central Asia
Strengthening of quality infrastructures in the countries of Central Asia
Contact: Christopher Colell
Strengthening Quality Infrastructure in the Countries of Central Asia
Укрепление инфраструктуры качества в странах Центральной Азии
Eastern Partnership
Quality Standards for Increased Trade in the Eastern Partnership Countries
Contact: Corinna Weigelt Management | Georgia
Theresa Reinel Azerbaijan | Moldova
Stefan Wallerath Ukraine | Armenia
Laura Donath Georgia
Quality Standards for Increased Trade in the Eastern Partnership Countries
Стандарты качества для увеличения торговли в странах Восточного партнерства
Increasing the Use of Quality-Related Services
Contact: Larysa Schijen
Eastern Partnership - Armenia
Quality Standards for Increased Trade in the Eastern Partnership Countries - Armenia
Contact: Stefan Wallerath
Quality Standards for Increased Trade in the Eastern Partnership Countries – Armenia
Eastern Partnership - Ukraine
Quality Standards for Increased Trade in the Eastern Partnership Countries - Ukraine
Contact: Stefan Wallerath
Quality Standards for Increased Trade in the Eastern Partnership Countries – Ukraine
Strengthening Quality Infrastructure Services for Adding Value, Prductivity and Innovation
Contact: Laura Donath
Supporting the Reform of the National Quality Infrastructure
Contact: Christopher Colell
Supporting the Reform of the National Quality Infrastructure
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