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Abbildung 1: SMGW mit den Netzwerken für den Anschlussnutzer (HAN), die Messtechnik (LMN und dem Anschluss an Weitverkehrsnetze (WAN)

Im intelligenten Messsystem, z.B. zur Messung elektrischer Energie im Haushalt, werden Zählerstände und andere Daten im Smart Meter Gateway (SMGW) gespeichert (s. Abb. 1). Diese Daten müssen vertrauenswürdig verfügbar gemacht und dargestellt werden können.

Die Transparenz- und Display-Software (TRuDI) wird von der Initiative Bundesdisplay [1] entwickelt und regelmäßig erweitert. Sie dient der...

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Uncertainty evaluation in the presence of measurement data is a common task in metrology. The documents of the GUM serve as the de-facto standard for uncertainty evaluation in metrology. Supplement 1 to the GUM recommends a so-called Type A uncertainty evaluation, which is implicitly based on a non-informative Bayesian inference. This observation and the fact that Type A uncertainty evaluation can...

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Harmonization is essential in the context of pathogen measurements. Different laboratories and studies must provide consistent and reliable measurement results. Standardization is the ideal case in which quantification of pathogens is traceable to SI units. The aim of the workshop was to explore the major challenges and different metrological approaches, including future perspectives. Validation...

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere Mitarbeiterin Amani Remmo, die ihre Dissertation am 25. September in der TU Berlin erfolgreich verteidigt hat und den akademischen Titel „Dr.-Ing.“ verliehen bekam. Das Prüfungsgremium, bestehend aus Prof. Marc Kraft (TU Berlin, Erstgutachter), Prof. Daniel Baumgarten (Universität Innsbruck, Zweitgutachter) und Prof. Tobias Schäffter (Vorsitz), würdigte ihre...

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Figure 1: Distributed measurement systems and their treatment in existing PTB requirements. (K: Client).

On 9 September 2024, PTB’s Working Group 8.51 held a hybrid software workshop with over 100 manufacturer representatives. The core objective of the workshop was to contribute to improving the software testing process through a common understanding of the technical and organisational requirements, thereby reducing the effort involved, for example, in document creation and testing for all...

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The biannual conference on biomagnetism, BIOMAG, took place in Sydney (Australia) this year between the 26th and 29th of August. Main topics included technological advancements in optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) for magnetoencephalography (MEG), neurological development in infants and children as well as epilepsy and other clinical indications for MEG.

Five members of PTB division 8.2 were...

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The 10th International Conference on Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI took place at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Nuremberg from 16.09. - 20.09.2024. Patrick Schünke from PTB’s Quantitative MRI group 8.13 was one co-organizer of this very successful conference, alongside Moritz Zaiss (FAU Erlangen), Jan-Rüdiger Schüre (FAU Erlangen) and Daniel...

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ISO Standards give recommendations to solve technical but also medical questions. They improve quality, safety and efficiency of products and services.  The currently completed EMPIR project BioStand-2 addressed detection of pathogens. The contributions focused on ISO TS 5798. This standard deals with genetic detection of SARS-CoV-2 viruses. It describes the complete workflow from sampling, via...

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Abbildung: Deckblatt des überarbeiteten OIML-Dokuments D31 „General requirements for software controlled measuring instruments“.

The International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML) [1] has published the latest version of the revised OIML document D31 "General requirements for software controlled measuring instruments" [2].

Among other things, the new D31 has been expanded to include applications of cloud systems for measurement data storage and requirements for machine learning algorithms in legal metrology. Also, it...

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From 25th to 26th of August the Workshop on Optically Pumped Magnetometers, WOPM2024, will be held in Sydney / Australia. It is the annual gathering of the growing community of researchers in fundamental and applied magnetometry with quantum optical sensors. The workshop was co-organized by FB 8.2 of Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt managing the scientific contributions and organizing the...

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