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Development of methods for characterizing integral quantities from differential optical measurements

08/2013- 07/2016

Optical measurements in industry increasingly employ techniques which enable a full characterization of the measured object by a differential measurement. Examples for this are camera based measurements of the spatial distribution of temperature or luminance. Based on the differential measurement integral quantities can be determined which enable traceability to SI units. This requires a characterization of the accuracy of the integral quantity. Due to the high dimensionality of the differential measurements and also due to possible correlations therein this is currently not feasible for measurements in industry. This project aims at the development of appropriate methods which can be routinely applied to characterize integral quantities.

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  • F. Schmähling, G. Wübbeler, U. Krüger, B. Ruggaber, F. Schmidt, R.D. Taubert, A. Sperling, C. Elster, Uncertainty evaluation and propagation for spectral measurements, Color, Research and Applications (2017), Opens external link in new windowhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1002/col.22185
  • F. Schmähling, G. Wübbeler, B. Ruggaber, U. Krüger, F. Schmidt, A. Sperling, C. Elster, Farbkoordinaten aus spektralen Messungen mit beigeordneten Messunsicherheiten, Tagungsband des 22. Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung 2016 in Ilmenau (ISBN: 978-3-00-053918-3)
  • F. Schmähling, G. Wübbeler, U. Krüger, M. Lindemann, A. Sperling, F. Schmidt, C. Elster, Modelling spectral measurements of LEDs, Proceedings of CIE Expert Symposium on the CIE S 025 LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules Test Standard, Braunschweig, Germany (2015), (ISBN 978-3-902842-28-2)
  • F. Schmähling, U. Krüger, G. Wübbeler, L. Bünger, R.D. Taubert, C. Elster, Characterization of the covariance associated to spectrometer measurements by a simulation study, Proceedings of CIE Expert Symposium on Measurement Uncertainties in Photometry and Radiometry for Industry, Vienna, Austria (2014), (ISBN 978-3-902842-22-0)

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