Logo of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

Metrology Light Source

A dedicated low-energy storage ring for metrology with synchrotron radiation

The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany’s national metrology institute, is using synchrotron radiation for metrology and related applications for research and industry. In this context, PTB has extended its activities with an own storage ring, the Metrology Light Source (MLS), designed and built to meet dedicated demands for metrology. The MLS is located in the vicinity of the BESSY II storage ring facility in Berlin-Adlershof (Germany) and started user operation in spring 2008. The PTB departments 7.1 and 7.2 operate a laboratory at the MLS with currently 12 experimental stations. PTB offers precision measurements and calibrations in the spectral range from the far infrared / THz to the extreme ultraviolet (EUV), thus complementing its activities at BESSY II, which cover the short-wavelength spectral ranges from the E(UV) to the X-ray range. At both facilities, PTB offers metrological services to customers and cooperation partners, from routine calibrations to customized metrological solutions and metrology oriented research.

measuring set-up
Spectral range (Wavelength)Spectral
resolving power
Photon flux
(/ s-1)
Beam   size
[hor. · vert.
(/ mm2)]
[hor. · vert.
(/ mrad2)]
Paper (DOI-Link)
1a VUV irradiationMLS U125Reflection filter≥ 40 nmBroadband10133 · 3≤ 1 · 1
1b Direct undulator radiationMLS U125none65 nm to
1500 nm
(1st harm.)
1c IDBMLS U125NI-GI reflection
grating cPGM
4 nm to
400 nm
1031012≤ 2 · 2
≤ 0.7 · 1.01c
1d IR undulator radiationMLS U125none500 nm to
1500 nm
(1st harm.)
1e 90° undulator radiation MLS U125none500 nm to
1500 nm
(1st harm.)
2a White-light beamlineMLS Dipole
2b Source calibrationMLS DipoleSeya/Toroidal grating7 nm to
400 nm
3EUVRMLS DipolePlane grating5 nm to
50 nm
1031012≤ 2 · 2
≤ 4 · 2
4NIMMLS DipoleNormal incidence40 nm to
400 nm
1021010 to 1012≤ 3 · 2≤ 13 · 104
5THzMLS DipoleFTIR100 μm to
7 mm
101 to 1031 · 1 (focus)80 · 80
6IRMLS DipoleFTIR600 nm to
1000 μm
102 to 104up to 10171.0 · 0.7
50 · 30
7ring currentMLS DipolediagnosticsBroadband