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Measuring systems for operation and characterization of SQUIDs

The working group 7.63 has previously developed several measuring systems for the operation of different types of SQUID sensors. For example, a measuring system has been designed for SQUID characterization which offers the investigation of superconducting sensors — PTB’s SQUIDs as well as SQUIDs from collaborators — in a temperature range between 4.2 K and 12 K, and in magnetic fields of up to a few hundreds of mT.

The aim of the latest project — MCFLL — is the development of scalable multi-channel readout electronics for dc-coupled superconducting sensors. In collaboration with PTB’s department 8.2, the Institute of Applied Photonics e.V. (IAP) and the company Magnicon GmbH, we are developing electronics which are suitable to operate systems with several sensors as well as large systems with up to one thousand superconducting sensors. These electronics are designed to be used in research projects of different fields, e.g. biomagnetic diagnostic or astrophysical research. Examples for medium-sized systems are the 72-channel SQUID Opens external link in new windowvector magnetometer of PTB’s division 8, or further SQUID systems at the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China. Examples of large-scale systems are given by astronomical large-scale projects investigating dark matter, e.g. the Opens external link in new windowCRESST experiment at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory, Italy, or the AMoRE collaboration at the YangYang underground laboratory, South Korea.

Duration of the project: 1.03.2017 – 28.02.2019
Founded by Investitionsbank Berlin, IBB ProFIT