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Cryosensors and Metrological Measurement Electronics

Senior Scientist 7.60


Innovative measurement electronics for demanding metrological tasks are developed and made accessible to a wide range of users through subsequent technology transfer. The aim of these developments is to reduce the measurement uncertainty through improved electronic circuits and concepts - especially in the field of amplifier technology. Examples for completed work are a measuring bridge involving a cryogenic current comparator (CCC) and a chopper amplifier for highly accurate resistance calibration or the "Ultrastable Low-noise Current Amplifier" (ULCA) for traceable measurement or generation of direct currents in the range from sub-femtoampere to microampere. Currently, research work in the field of noise thermometry is being carried out. In addition, the working groups 7.61 to 7.63  support the design and operation of Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs) and their readout electronics. Furthermore, consulting in the field of electrical metrology is offered.

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  • Consulting on design and operation of SQUID sensors and their readout electronics
  • Design and characterization of novel improved amplifiers
  • Development of sophisticated metrological measurement electronics based on the developed amplifiers

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Consulting on low-noise measurements for electrical metrology and other demanding applications in the frequency range between dc and 100 MHz.



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The hitherto developed SQUID electronics, amplifier modules, and metrological measurement electronics (CCC, ULCA) are commercially available via the licensee Opens external link in new windowMagnicon GmbH.



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