The fundamental quantity in the dosimetry of ionizing radiation is the absorbed dose to matter in units of J/kg with the special name “gray” (Gy). The Working Group 6.25 is responsible for the realization and dissemination of the gray for x- and gamma radiation. Thereby the group creates the metrological basis for the dosimetry in radiation protection as well as in medical x-ray diagnostics and therapy. Key tasks are calibration, testing, certification and consulting. The focus in research and development is the improvement of the primary standards and the dosimetry for medical x-ray diagnostics including mammography and computed tomography.
- Working Group 6.25 is intensively involved in the training of young scientists. Theses must always be carried out in co‑operation with an appropriate university or university of applied sciences.
If you are interested, please contact stefan.pojtinger(at) - Topics
- Development of new primary standards
- Metrology in dosimetry for diagnostic radiology
- Dosimetry for computed tomography
- Dosimetry in mammography
- Devices
- Projects
- Comparisons
- Committees