Logo of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

Reactive Flows

Working Group 3.34


  • Mr. Leopold Seifert joined the Working Group 3.34 on 2022-01-01 as a PhD student, after receiving a master’s degree in mechanical engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The upcoming work at PTB will be focused on the reaction kinetics of different hydrogen combustion processes and applications. This work is part of the innovation lab „Nachhaltige Wasserstoff-Verbrennungskonzepte (WaVe)“, which is funded by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony.
  • Dr. Denghao Zhu joined the Working Group 3.34 in December 2021 and is funded by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.  (Initiates file downloadCV-Dr.Denghao Zhu)
  • Dr. Zhechao Qu joined Working Group 3.34 after working several years in Department 3.4. His research interests can be found at Opens external link in new windowGoogle Scholar and Opens external link in new windowResearchGate