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Workinggroup 3.33

Eine Übersicht über die bisherigen Veröffentlichungen der Arbeitsgruppe Druck:

W. Sabuga, O. Ott, Y. Durgut, J. Setina, P. Otal, N. Medina and A. Altintas
2019, EURAMET Calibration Guide No. 17 (Version 4.0)
W. Sabuga
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 13-24
J. Könemann, S. Ehlers and W. Sabuga
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 25-30
S. Ehlers, W. Sabuga and J. Könemann
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 31-48
S. Ehlers, J. Könemann and W. Sabuga
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 49-62
A. Hashad and W. Sabuga
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 101-116
N. Vasileiadis, S. Naris, D. Valougeorgis, A. Hashad, S. Ehlers and W. Sabuga
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 117-134
W. Sabuga, A. Hashad and S. Ehlers
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 135-150
W. Sabuga, T. Konczak, S. Ehlers and A. Hashad
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 177-186
S. Ehlers, T. Konczak and W. Sabuga
2019, PTB-Bericht Th-10: S. 213-228
S. Ehlers, J. Könemann, O. Ott, H. Wolf, J. Setina, A. Furtado and W. Sabuga
2019, Measurement 132: S. 191-198
A. Hashad, S. Ehlers, O. Jusko and W. Sabuga
2019, Measurement 131: S. 723-729
S. Naris, N. Vasileiadis, D. Valougeorgis, A. Hashad and W. Sabuga
2019, Metrologia 56: S. 1-10
J. Yue and W. Sabuga
2019, Measurement 134: S. 788-793
D. Bentouati, Y. Durgut, P. Otal, M. Plimmer, D. Pražák, W. Sabuga, S. Ehlers and E. Sinir
2018, Measurement Science and Technology 29 (3): S. 035007
J. Könemann, W. Sabuga, D. Pražák, T. Rabault and C. Wüthrich
2018, Metrologia 55 Technical Supplement
W. Sabuga, D. Herranz, V. Marcos and N. Medina
2018, Revista Española de Metrología 7 (13): S. 63-69
J. Könemann, D. Pražák, R. Fira, C. Wüthrich, T. Rabault and W. Sabuga
2018, Acta IMEKO 7 (1): S. 76-79
W. Sabuga, T. Rabault, C. Wüthrich, D. Pražák, M. Chytil, L. Brouwer and A. Ahmed
2017, Metrologia 54 (6): S. 108-124
K. Jousten, J. Hendricks, D. Barker, K. Douglas, S. Eckel, P. Egan, J. Fedchak, J. Flügge, C. Gaiser, D. Olson, J. Ricker, T. Rubin, W. Sabuga, J. Scherschligt, R. Schödel, U. Sterr, J. Stone and G. Strouse
2017, Metrologia 54 (6): S. 146-161
W. Sabuga, O. Ott, Y. Durgut, J. Setina, P. Otal, N. Medina and A. Altintas
2017, EURAMET Calibration Guide No. 17 (Version 3.0)
A. Salama
2017, PTB-Bericht Th-9: S. 188 p.
P. Otal, F. Boineau, N. Medina, D. Pražák, C. Wüthrich, S. Saxholm, W. Sabuga, I. Kocas and Y. Durgut
2017, Metrologia 54 (Tech. Suppl.): S. 07017
C. Gaiser, B. Fellmuth, N. Haft, A. Kuhn, B. Thiele-Krivoi, T. Zandt, J. Fischer, O. Jusko and W. Sabuga
2017, Metrologia 54: S. 280-289
W. Sabuga
2016, Program and Book of Abstracts : S. 128-129
S. Ehlers
2016, PTB-Bericht Th-7 (High-pressure measurement and calibration", Proc. of training course held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 18, 2014): S. 53-66
J. Könemann, S. Ehlers, T. Konczak, A. Gluschko and W. Sabuga
2016, PTB-Bericht Th-7 ("High-pressure measurement and calibration", Proc. of training course held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 18, 2014): S. 67-74
J. Könemann, T. Konczak, A. Gluschko and W. Sabuga
2016, PTB-Bericht Th-7 ("High-pressure measurement and calibration", Proc. of training course held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 18, 2014): S. 47-52
J. Könemann, T. Konczak, A. Gluschko and W. Sabuga
2016, PTB-Bericht Th-7 ("High-pressure measurement and calibration", Proc. of training course held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 18, 2014): S. 39-46
W. Sabuga
2016, PTB-Bericht Th-7 ("High-pressure measurement and calibration", Proc. of training course held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 18, 2014): S. 11-26
J. Yue, Y. Yang and W. Sabuga
2016, Metrologia 53 (Tech. Suppl.): S. 07004
C. Wuethrich, S. Alisic, A. Altintas, I. Andel, van, I.-M. Choi, A. Eltawil, P. Farar, P. Hetherington, I. Kocas, A. Lefkopoulos, P. Otal, D. Pražák, W. Sabuga, R. Salustiano, I. Sandu, M. Sardi, S. Saxholm, J. Setina, I. Spohr, D. Steindl, N. Testa, C. Vámossy and L. Grgec Bermanec
2016, Metrologia 53 (Tech. Suppl.): S. 07017
J. Könemann, A. Gluschko, T. Konczak and W. Sabuga
2015, PTB-Bericht Th-6 ("High-pressure metrology for industrial applications", Proc. of HighPRES workshop held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 17, 2014): S. 55-80
W. Sabuga, A. Gluschko and T. Konczak
2015, PTB-Bericht Th-6 ("High-pressure metrology for industrial applications", Proc. of HighPRES workshop held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 17, 2014): S. 9-26
A. Salama and T. Rabault
2015, PTB-Bericht Th-6 (Proc. of HighPRES workshop held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 17, 2014): S. 45-54
A. Salama and T. Rabault
2015, PTB-Bericht Th-6 ("High-pressure measurement and calibration", Proc. of HighPRES workshop held at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, September 17, 2014): S. 27-44
T. Zandt, W. Sabuga, C. Gaiser and B. Fellmuth
2015, Metrologia 52: S. 305-313
W. Sabuga and T. Priruenrom
2015, MAPAN 30 (1): S. 7-13
ISSN: 0970-3950

Keywords: Piston-cylinder assembly; Dimensional effective area; Cross-float effective area ratio; Synchronised effective area

I. Kocas, W. Sabuga, A. El-Taweel, C. Korasie, P. Farar, J. Setina, B. Waller and Y. Durgut
2015, Metrologia 52 (1A): S. 07008

Abstract: The regional key comparison EURAMET.M.P-K13 for pressure measurements in liquid media from 50 MPa to 500 MPa was piloted by the T

W. Sabuga, D. Pražák and T. Rabault
2014, EPJ European Physical Journal - Web of Conferences 77
Z. Krajíček, M. Bergoglio, K. Jousten, P. Otal, W. Sabuga, S. Saxholm, D. Pražák and M. Vičar
2014, Metrologia 51 (1A): S. 07002

Abstract: This report describes a EURAMET comparison of five European National Metrology Institutes in low gauge and absolute pressure in gas (nitrogen), denoted as EURAMET.M.P-K4.2010. Its main intention is to state equivalence of the pressure standards, in particular those based on the technology of force-balanced piston gauges such as e.g. FRS by Furness Controls, UK and FPG8601 by DHI-Fluke, USA. It covers the range from 1

W. Sabuga and R. Haines
2014, ACTA IMEKO 3 (2)
C. Gaiser, T. Zandt, B. Fellmuth, J. Fischer, O. Jusko and W. Sabuga
2013, Metrologia 50 (6): S. L7

Abstract: Fellmuth et al (2011 Metrologia 48 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0026-1394/48/5/020] 382–90 ) published the first value of the Boltzmann constant k determined by dielectric-constant gas thermometry at the triple point of water ( k

T. Priruenrom, W. Sabuga and T. Konczak
2012, Metrologia 50, Tech. Suppl., 07009
D. Pražák and W. Sabuga
2012, Program and Book of Abstracts, 50th European High Pressure Research Group Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-21 September : S. 134
W. Sabuga, D. A. Olson, J. C. Torres, S. Yadav, Y. Jin, T. Kobata and P. Otal
2012, Metrologia 49
W. Sabuga, T. Priruenrom, G. Molinar, G. Buonanno, T. Rabault, P. Wongthep and D. Pražák
2012, Measurement 45: S. 2464-2468
D. Salama, W. Sabuga and P. Ulbig
2012, Measurement 45: S. 2472-2475
W. Sabuga, D. A. Olson, J. C. Torres, S. Yadav, Y. Jin, T. Kobata and P. Otal
2012, Metrologia 49
H. Ahrendt, J. Könemann, W. Sabuga, Y. Kiselev, O. Vitkovskiy, D. Pražák, Z. Krajíček and K. Dapkeviciene
2012, Metrologia 49
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