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On-Wafer Scattering Parameter Measurements

Working Group 2.23


Scattering parameters or S-parameters are the most commonly used tool in microwave network analysis. Since in microwave circuits conventional currents and voltages do not always exist, scattering parameters are defined via forward and backward traveling waves. Scattering parameters are most commonly measured by vector network analyzers. Vector network analyzers must be calibrated before they can measure scattering parameters accurately.

The working group investigates possibilities to increase both the frequency range and the range of applications of classic S-parameter measurement techniques. The focus is currently on the development of traceable S-parameter measurements for planar circuits and components (on-wafer microwave measurements, EMPIR Project PlanarCal). Further activities include the development of wideband measurement of dielectric properties of substrates at RF and Microwave frequencies and the electromagnetic characterisation of interconnects in microelectronics and RF industry.

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The working group 2.23 performs research in the following areas:

  • On-wafer microwave measurements:

    • Coordination of EMPIR Project 14IND02 PlanarCal — "Microwave measurements for planar circuits and components" (completed)
    • current: EMPIR project 18SIB09 TEMMT – "Traceability for electrical measurements at millimetre-wave and terahertz frequencies for communications and electronics technologies"

  • Traceable broadband dielectric measurements of substrate and laminar materials

    • EMRP Project EMINDA (completed)

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The working group 2.23 provides services in the following areas:

  • traceable planar scattering parameter measurements up to 110 GHz
    (currently on fused silica, other substrate materials will follow soon)
  • characterisation of commercial impedance standard substrates
  • dielectric properties of substrates and laminar materials
    (listed under additional services in quality management manual of division 2, see link below)

Calibration and measurement capabilities of the division 2

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Related activities


  • IEEE Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, Standing Committee
  • MTT-11 Microwave Measurements Technical Committee
  • National URSI Commission A: Electromagnetic Metrology

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