Among the tasks of the Department High Frequency (HF) and Electromagnetic Fields are research and development for the realization and dissemination of HF measurands and of the electromagnetic fields, to develop new HF field sensors and new techniques for the realization of HF fields, the calibration of measuring instruments for HF field strength and power flux density, Antennas, HF power, HF attenuation, HF voltage, HF scattering parameters, and -impedance, testing of measuring instruments for legal metrology within the scope of the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), calibration of EMC test generators, and to generate and measure sub-nanosecond electromagnetic pulses, as well as measuring scattering parameters in planar and microstrip circuits.
The Department High Frequency and Electromagnetic Fieldsis represented in the international high-frequency working groups of the Comité Consultatif d`Électricité et Magnétisme (CCEM), of EURAMET and the European cooperation for Accreditation (EA), and, for more than twenty years, it has participated in a large number of international key comparison measurements of HF measurands and additional HF comparison measurements initiated by EURAMET. The Department is currently chairing the German Commision A "Electromagnetic Metrology" of URSI (International Union of Radio Science).
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Research Projects
The current research projects are listed in the respective working groups.
Further Information
The Department 2.2 performs, together with the Department 2.1, an annual seminar Recent progress of calibration in the low and high frequency range ("Aktuelle Fortschritte von Kalibrierverfahren im Nieder- und Hochfrequenzbereich").