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First Smart Meter Gateways legally approved

PTBnews 2.2019

For the first time, three Smart Meter Gateways have obtained a type-examination certificate from PTB. The Smart Meter Gateway is a key technology for digitalization in the context of the energy transition. Together with a modern power meter, it forms a smart measuring system that will soon be playing a central role in the energy-supply industry. Complying with the most stringent data security and data protection requirements, gateways allow the data provided by the energy meter to be processed locally and, what is even more important, the processed measured values to be forwarded on to consumers, grid operators, energy utilities and service providers via public communications networks. In this context, aspects related to legal metrology have to be taken into account. Therefore, PTB has accompanied this process since the beginning and has, in particular, supported the activities of the BMWi (the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy), the regional verification authorities, the BSI (the German Federal Office for Information Security), the BNetzA (the German Federal Network Agency) and industry.

(Contact: Helmut Többen, 0531 592-1400, Opens window for sending emailhelmut.toebben(at)ptb.de)