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Beam operation in the Glocker Building


With the new electron accelerator facility of the PTB in Braunschweig - which is unique worldwide - it was possible on 25 September 2007 to accelerate electrons for the first time to a final energy of 15 million electron volts (MeV) - and this already two weeks after delivery of the first therapy accelerator. The dose rate of the produced photon radiation achieved the nominal value of 5 grays per minute (Gy/min). This shows that all relevant components both of the accelerator as well as of the infrastructure of the new building - such as ventilation, the cooling system, the safety system - function in essence. After a construction period of almost 2 years, the Glocker Building housing the new electron accelerator facility is now ready for occupancy.

Technik des Therapiebeschleunigers: Links die Trommel, auf der der Beschleuniger um 360 Grad gedreht werden kann, rechts ein Versorgungsschrank.

Der ersten Elektronenstrahl in der neuen Anlage: Eine glühende Elektronenquelle schießt den Strahl mit 52 000 V (= 52 kV) in die Beschleunigungsstrecke. Hier werden die Elektronen auf die Endenergie von 15 Millionen Elektronenvolt (= 15 MeV) beschleunigt.

The facility - which will be unique worldwide when it is completed - will receive three accelerators: two medical electron accelerators of the construction type Elekta Precise and an 11 m long linear accelerator by the ACCEL company from Bergisch-Gladbach for basic dosimetric research. Altogether, the facility can produce photon and electron radiation in the energy range from 0.5 MeV to 50 MeV. This enables standards of the unit Gray to be made available for the water-absorbed dose measurand for the most varied radiation qualities and radiation conditions.

The main field of application is the dosimetry for radiation therapy. The importance becomes apparent not least from the fact that in Germany alone there are 10 million radiation procedures carried out annually, and the correct dose is one of the crucial factors for the success of the therapy.

The three accelerators will be set up and tested in parallel. The trial operation will end presumably in the first half of 2008 with the formal handing over of all three accelerators to the PTB. Since the beginning of construction, the timeframe and budget (€ 14 m) were adhered to.

Dr. Klaus Derikum
6.2 Neubau Elektronenbeschleuniger
Phone: (0531) 592 - 62 09
e-mail: klaus.derikum(at)ptb.de