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Gateway for economy

A highly versatile optical amplifier

PTB-News 1.2023
Especially interesting for

manufacturers of ultrastable optical laser sources

optical sensor technology

national metrology institutes

Compensating for optical losses is a huge challenge when transmitting optical frequencies per optical fiber link over long distances. Conventional optical amplifiers are sensitive to backscatter and back reflections which lead to unavoidable phase jumps in the transmitted signal. PTB’s new concept is based on a Brillouin amplifier characterized by particularly high optical amplification and small bandwidth. This new development enables a cost-effective setup that can be used in flexible settings and allows relative frequency transfer uncertainties of better than 10 20. The new Brillouin amplifier is suited for different frequency bands.

(Technology Offer 551)


cost-effective concept

continuous tracking of the Brillouin frequency shift

flexible use

Contact person for questions about technology transfer

Andreas Barthel,
Phone: +49 531 592-8307,
Opens local program for sending emailandreas.barthel(at)ptb.de,
Opens internal link in current windowwww.technologietransfer.ptb.de/en