Logo of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Gateway for economy

The Economy

You are employed at a company at which you work with measurement technology? Here you will find current news which may be of interest to you as well as a guide through PTB. 


Erfolgreicher Abschluss des QI-Digital Forums 2024 in Berlin: Etwa 300 Besucherinnen und Besucher aus fünf Nationen und drei Kontinenten kamen unter dem Motto „AI Act, Data Spaces and Digital Product Passport – Setting the course for a green and digital transition“ in Berlin zusammen. Zentrale Botschaft: Digitale QI-Innovationen führen zu mehr Transparenz und Sicherheit und werden in Zukunft den Bürokratieaufwand für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung deutlich verringern.

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Digitaler Kalibrierschein

Wer im Unternehmen Abläufe automatisiert, ist an Schnittstellen oft noch lange auf menschliche Zuarbeit angewiesen. Doch die Eingabe von Daten per Hand kostet Zeit, ist fehleranfällig und eintönig. Im Bereich der Kalibrierung von Messgeräten gibt es jetzt eine Lösung: den digitalen Kalibrierschein. Entworfen wurde er dort, wo Präzisionstechnik zuhause ist – in der PTB. 

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Opens internal link in current windowMore news   

To have a measuring instrument calibrated

Ball plate

In the chapter Opens internal link in current windowMetrological Services (which at this point we would like to recommend to you in general) you will find an overview of the Opens internal link in current windowPTB's Calibration and Measurement Capabilities. Furthermore, each division offers its own measurement and calibration capabilities as a pdf file in each case for downloading – to be found via the respective homepage of the Opens internal link in current windowDivisions.

Professional publications

Testing Instruction
Titelseitenansicht PTB Prüfregel Band 3

PTB has issued a great number of publications surrounding the topic (precision) measurements, for example Test Rules, PTB Requirements, among other things. You will find these at Opens internal link in current windowScientific & technical publications.

Technology offers

Gap measurement standard

Do you want to see whether there are PTB inventions that could possibly be commercially exploited in your company? If so, then have a look at Opens internal link in current windowInnovations and Technology Transfer. You will also find current technology offers in the current issue of Opens internal link in current windowPTB-News

Invitations to Tender of the Procurement Office

Are there goods you may want to offer PTB? Then take a look at the current current invitations to tender of PTB's Procurement Office!