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Martin Herrenknecht

Martin Herrenknecht builds the world's largest boring machines. His tunnel boring machines are top-notch when it comes to spectacular projects such as the Gotthard Base Tunnel, the fourth tube of the Elbe Tunnel in Hamburg, and, more recently, a tunnel deep beneath the Bosphorus. The Werner von Siemens Ring Foundation has now paid him tribute for his outstanding technical achievements and awarded him the most significant prize for technology in Germany, the "Werner von Siemens Ring".

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Hirnaktivität bei der Wahrnehmung von tiefen Tönen

Are wind farms harmful to humans? Some believe so, others refute this; this controversial topic makes emotions run high. To give the debate more objectivity, an international team of experts dealt with the fundamentals of hearing in the lower limit range of the audible frequency range (i.e. infrasound), but also in the upper limit range (i.e. ultrasound). The project, which is part of the European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP), was coordinated by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). At PTB, not only acoustics experts, but also experts from the fields of biomagnetism (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) were involved in the research activities. They have found out that humans can hear sounds lower than had previously been assumed. And the mechanisms of sound perception are much more complex than previously thought. Another vast field of research opens up here in which psychology also has to be taken...

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from left to right: Prof. Lutz Trahms (PTB), Prof. Johanna Wanka, Eva Braun, Steffen Krach, Prof. Matthias Taupitz (Charité), Prof. Joachim Ullrich (PTB president) (Photo: PTB, Marvin Rust)

Filming the blood flowing through a beating heart? This is now possible thanks to a new technology called Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). This brand new procedure can detect magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles inside the body with high sensitivity and with high temporal and spatial resolution; this can help detect, for example, cardiovascular problems or tumors. At the Charité university hospital in Berlin, an MPI device developed in Germany has now been dedicated which was partly funded with almost 4 million euros by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) within the scope of a large-device project. The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) was one of the partners in this cooperation project; it is responsible for the metrological characterization of the nanoparticles used. During her address, Federal Research Minister Dr. Johanna Wanka emphasized the importance of the opportunities provided by this new diagnostic procedure...

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Height topography of the PZT sample (diameter: 15 mm, thickness: 2 mm) at 20 °C and 100 °C, with and without applied voltage.

The piezoelectrically induced length change in functional materials has been measured at PTB for the first time at high temperatures and with lateral resolution. For this purpose, a new sample environment was created which can be integrated into the existing interferometer for precise length measurements.

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The SPICE spectrograph, mounted into the large vacuum tank at the MLS

The SPICE (SPectral Imaging of Coronal Environment) solar spectrometer is part of the Solar Orbiter mission of the European Space Agency whose start is planned for 2017. Within the scope of a research cooperation project which has been concluded with the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) and in cooperation with the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in England, the SPICE engineering model (EM) has recently been calibrated in such a way that it is traceable to the primary source standard Metrology Light Source (MLS). The actual flying model will be calibrated in the summer of 2015.

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Bei der Strahlentherapie mit Protonen oder Schwerionen, aber auch bei Bestrahlungen mit Gammastrahlung hoher Energie, kann es im gesunden Gewebe außerhalb vom Tumorvolumen zu zusätzlicher Strahlendosis durch Neutronen kommen. Das im 7. Rahmenprogramm der EU geförderte Forschungsprojekt ANDANTE untersucht das Krebsrisiko nach Exposition mit niedrigen Dosen von Neutronen. Die Bestrahlungen von primären Gewebezellen mit Neutronen mit verschiedenen Energien werden an der PTB Ion Accelerator Facility (PIAF) durchgeführt.

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Bildgebende Durchleuchtungsverfahren mit Neutronen sind zu einem wichtigen Werkzeug in der zerstörungsfreien Werkstoffprüfung geworden. Schnelle Neutronen als Messsonde eröffnen gegenüber den üblichen thermischen Neutronen die Möglichkeit, auch größere Objekte zu durchdringen sowie kompaktere (und damit mobilere) Anlagen zu realisieren. In der PTB wurde eine Tomografieeinrichtung an der Beschleunigeranlage PIAF errichtet und experimentell demonstriert, dass Verteilungen von Objekten geringer Dichte hinter Abschirmungen aus schweren Metallen tomografisch dargestellt werden können.

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Unterzieht man sich einer ketogenen Diät, d.h. sehr geringer Kohlenhydrat- und hoher Fettanteil in der Ernährung bei insgesamt begrenzter Kalorienzufuhr, dann passt sich der Stoffwechsel im Körper an, um die Energieversorgung insbesondere des Gehirns von Glucose auf Ketonkörper (Acetoacetat, 3-Hydroxybutyrat, Aceton) umzustellen. Ketogene Diät war früher ...

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