PTB considers itself to be a family-friendly employer and has set itself the goal of making working hours, workflows, managerial behavior, communication and staff development as family-friendly as possible. The idea of work and family life being compatible is incorporated into many measures – from the possibility of working part-time and doing telework, to the boss being a role model.
The fundamental goal of being able to offer all employees a flexible framework for their work which matches the current stage of their life, will increase PTB's attractiveness in competing for the best and most talented brains at the national and international level. In this way, an important contribution is being made to PTB's future sustainability in the highly competitive job market for technical and scientific personnel.
We want to give concrete support to our staff in their daily life with the following measures.
The possibility of taking your child to work (rooming-in) has been introduced to PTB. This allows parents to take their children – from a baby up to a school-age child – to the office with them for one day (maximum three days) if the usual childcare arrangements are not available for some reason. Parent-child boxes with toys suitable for children of your child's age are available for loan and can be taken to your workplace. Please discuss this with your superior before the childcare issue becomes acute, and have the form on the exclusion of liability (Haftungsausschluss) signed (this document is in German and can be found at: Intranet/Gleichstellungsbeauftragte/Rooming-In). The exclusion of liability applies both for taking your child to work (rooming-in) and for the parent-child offices.
If your workplace is not a suitable place for looking after children, then separate offices are available both in Braunschweig and in Berlin. These are equipped with a computer for you to work at, as well as with an area for your child to play. The parent-child office in Braunschweig is close to the childcare facility, so it is also possible for your child to use the playground there.
If you suddenly feel very ill, you can go and rest in one of our quiet rooms. They are also available to parents who want to change their baby's diaper or for nursing purposes. More detailed information on where these rooms are located can be found at Intranet/Gleichstellungsbeauftragte/Ruheräume (in German).