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Evaluation and Feedback


Online Continuation Workshop Series on “Marketing and raising Awareness of Accreditation at the National Level in ASEAN”


Sessions 7 and 8

2 – 3 November 2021

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your opinion is very important to us, and we always seek ways to improve. Please take a few moments to complete the survey below.  This survey covers the final two-day workshop of the workshop series.

Thank you in advance for your kind collaboration. We will treat your answers confidentially.

1. Please rate the following:
  Very bad Bad Okay Good Very good Excellent
Overall satisfaction with the workshop
Moderation team
Preparation and advance information of the workshop
Technical implementation (video conference tool, other feedback tools, etc.)
Soft-landing, summaries, takeaways, and breaks
2. Relevance of the workshop to your work:
  Not at all Not really Somewhat Mostly Definitely Highly
Relevant to your work
Provided constructive information for your work
3. Please rate the delivery of following topics:
  Very bad Bad Okay Good Very good Excellent
Group quiz
Customer journey
Infographics and video
Break-out group work
Practical toolkit
Practical digital marketing steps
4. Kindly comment on and/or answer the following questions:
  Your opinion
Was there enough time to answer your questions and to discuss other issues? If not: how could we improve?
What topics would you like to see covered in a future follow-up workshop?
What was missing during this workshop?
Any other additional comments and/or suggestions: