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Aktuelle Forschungsnachrichten und Nachrichten aus dem Jahresbericht

For observation of aerosol properties, such as the essential climate variable aerosol optical depth (AOD), several measurement networks, such as AERONET, GAW-PFR and SKYNET, are established. The temperature coefficients of sun photometers from AERONET (AErosol Robotic NETwork) network are required to correct for varying ambient temperatures within the framework of the EMPIR project 19ENV04 MAPP “Metrology for aerosol optical properties”. Spectrally resolved measurement of the temperature dependency of the photometers were performed and are presented in this paper.

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Here we present a compact LED-based source designed within the framework of the EMPIR project 19 ENV04 MAPP “Metrology for aerosol optical properties” for monitoring responsivities of the AERONET Europe radiometers. The aim of the task was to design an LED source flangeable to an integrating sphere that would allow to track responsivity changes of the network instruments. For this purpose the spectral flux of the source must cover the bands of the Cimel sun photometers used in this network and be stable and reproducible at a level of ~0,1%. The design includes 9 LEDs in surface-mount device (SMD) package, one for each band of the sun photometer, soldered on a printed circuit board (PCB). The temperature of the LEDs is accurately controlled by a Peltier device attached to the other side of the PCB. The LEDs are connected in series and operated in stabilized current (CC) mode. Several such LED boards have been built. The devices have been investigated with respect to the spectral properties, stability, and reproducibility. First measurements showed the spectral flux of the LEDs coupled to an integrating sphere to be sufficiently high for being detected by the sun photometers. This report shows the validation of the stability of the flux of the LEDs and gives an outlook about the implementation of the LED source.

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Dreifach positiv geladene Ionen des Isotops Th-229 (Th3+) sind von besonderem Interesse als mögliche Taktgeber einer hochgenauen optischen Uhr. Da das Isotop radioaktiv ist, steht es nur in sehr geringen Mengen zur Verfügung und gängige Methoden zur Realisierung einer Ionenquelle (zum Beispiel durch Verdampfung) sind in diesem Fall nicht anwendbar. An der PTB wurde jetzt eine Apparatur zur Erzeugung, Kühlung und Speicherung von Th3+ als Rückstoßionen aus dem radioaktiven Zerfall von U-233 entwickelt. Ein dünner Film von U-233 emittiert die gewünschten Ionen ins Vakuum, allerdings mit einer hohen Energie von mehr als 80 keV. Durch Abbremsung in hochreinem Helium-Gas gelingt es, die Ionen zu sammeln und in eine Ionenfalle zu überführen. Dort werden sie gemeinsam mit Sr+ Ionen gespeichert, die mit Laserlicht auf eine Temperatur im Millikelvin-Bereich gekühlt werden. Durch die Kopplung mit den Sr-Ionen wird auch die Energie des Th3+ reduziert, auf einen Wert der schließlich um etwa 11 Größenordungen unter der Startenergie nach dem U-233-Zerfall liegt. Die gespeicherten Th3+ Ionen stehen nun bei niedriger Energie für Präzisionsmessungen ihrer Resonanzfrequenzen zur Verfügung. Dies bildet eine Grundlage für Untersuchungen der Eigenschaften und Struktur dieses ungewöhnlichen Isotops. 

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Optical properties of atmospheric aerosols, such as aerosol optical depth (AOD), are determined from solar radiation measurements using filter radiometers, known in such measurement applications as sun photometers. Here we present calibration of filter radiometers from the European branches of aerosol monitoring networks AERONET, GAW-PFR, and SKYNET with respect to their spectral irradiance responsivities. The calibrations were carried out at PTB within the framework of the EMPIR project 19ENV04 MAPP “Metrology for aerosol optical properties” using the tunable laser-based setup, TUable Lasers In Photometry (TULIP). The realization of the spectral responsivity measurements of the filter radiometers at the TULIP setup, results, uncertainty contributions and implications are discussed in this conference paper.

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A new EURAMET Traceability Project Opens external link in new window“Traceability of the GAW-PFR reference Precision Filter Radiometers to the SI” was started in collaboration between PTB, Working Group 4.11 “Spectroradiometry” and PMOD/WRC. PMOD/WRC is designated by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) to operate the World aerosol Optical depth Research and Calibration Center (WORCC). WORCC is responsible for hosting the world reference for Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), formed as a set of Precision Filter Radiometers (PFR). Furthermore, it operates the AOD monitoring network established within the frame of the Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) program (GAW-PFR network). The WORCC mandate also encompasses to provide AOD traceability from its GAWPFR reference to other global and regional AOD monitoring networks. This is achieved through the Filter Radiometer comparison campaign held a PMOD/WRC every five years, and by collocating PFR travel standards at other network calibration sites (e.g. ACTRIS CARS). The collaboration between PTB and PMOD/WRC with respect to the SI-traceability of spectral solar irradiance of the PFR started in 2019 and continued in the framework of the EMPIR project Opens external link in new window19ENV04 MAPP, “Metrology for aerosol optical properties”. The proposed project aims at providing SI-traceability to the global AOD monitoring community through comparisons with the GAWPFR reference, which is made up of a set of PFR instruments, of which one or more instruments will be annually calibrated at PTB.

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Die Arbeitsgruppe 4.53 Solarmodule beteiligt sich im Rahmen eines DFG-Forschungsprojekts an der Untersuchung, wie die flächendeckende Installation von Photovoltaik (PV)-Anlagen das städtische Mikroklima im Freien und in Innenräumen hinsichtlich der thermischen Behaglichkeit der Einwohner und der Luftqualität beeinflusst. Projektleiter ist die Leibniz Universität Hannover und weiterer Projektpartner die Technische Universität Dresden.

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Eine Arbeitsgruppe des Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF) hat unter Mitwirkung der PTB einen Plan für eine zukünftige Neudefinition der Sekunde erarbeitet, der auf den Fortschritten bei optischen Atomuhren basiert. Die erreichten Fortschritte und noch notwendigen Verbesserungen werden diskutiert, um die heute mit Cäsium-Atomuhren erreichte Qualität von Frequenzmessungen und Zeitskalen langfristig zu sichern und zu verbessern. Als möglicher Zeitpunkt für eine Neudefinition wird 2030 gesehen.

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PTB and NIST performed a comparison for high accuracy continuous wave optical power measurements in the kilowatt regime. The NIST carried out measurements with a power meter relying on photon momentum, while PTB performed the measurements with a modified off-the-shelf thermal power meter. The non-absorbing photon momentum measurement approach permits the two power meters to measure the same laser beam optical path simultaneously, resulting in a direct comparison of the meters supported by an optical system to accommodate differences in instrument settling times. The results show agreement within the expanded uncertainties for each instrument. NIST and PTB illustrate a degree of equivalence of 0.49% with an expanded uncertainty of 1.37% (k = 2) for an average result across all power levels.

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