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Arbeitsgruppe 3.33

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Titel: Final report on EURAMET.M.P-K4.2010: Key and supplementary comparison of national pressure standards in the range 1 Pa to 15 kPa of absolute and gauge pressure
Autor(en): Z. Krajíček, M. Bergoglio, K. Jousten, P. Otal, W. Sabuga, S. Saxholm, D. Pražák und M. Vičar
Journal: Metrologia
Jahr: 2014
Band: 51
Ausgabe: 1A
Seite(n): 07002
Datei / URL: http://stacks.iop.org/0026-1394/51/i=1A/a=07002
Web URL: http://iopscience.iop.org/0026-1394/51/1A/07002
Zusammenfassung: This report describes a EURAMET comparison of five European National Metrology Institutes in low gauge and absolute pressure in gas (nitrogen), denoted as EURAMET.M.P-K4.2010. Its main intention is to state equivalence of the pressure standards, in particular those based on the technology of force-balanced piston gauges such as e.g. FRS by Furness Controls, UK and FPG8601 by DHI-Fluke, USA. It covers the range from 1

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